Huwebes, Setyembre 11, 2014

Linggo, Agosto 17, 2014

Dolan I-Learn School Caravan at Canosaa School last Aug. 16,2014

It was a great day to begin with. Children and their parents arrived early to have their vaccines taken and part of this activity held last August 16, 2014 at the Canossa Sta. Rosa School was DOLAN'S I-LEARN SCHOOL CARAVAN 2014.

The goal of the said campagin was to promote FEVER AND PAIN management and what to give your child should they experience fever.

Dolan shared a lecture on how this can be managed. The parent were surprised to know that Dolan can be an effective partner for their child.

Event Day
Event Day
Registration for Dolan Participants
Signage at the entrance

Lecture provided by Dr. Valencia

Jasyon and Butch entrertaining the crowd

Speedy the Mascot (Dolan's official Mascot)

Speedy with Marylaine, our Host

Watch out for the next DOLAN I-LEARN SCHOOL CARAVAN 2014!

Huwebes, Agosto 7, 2014

Dolan I-Learn School Caravan 2014

In this time of the year, fever relevantly increase due to the weather we experience. Nonetheless, our children are the ones most susceptible to this.

As a mother, we always want to make sure that we give our children a quick-acting fever pain medicine to bring back their strength and be on their feet.

Dolan is certainly created for this reason. Need not worry moms, DOLAN is here to cease the day.

Ibuprofen DOLAN is the new generation children’s fever and pain medicine. It comes with a delicious orange flavor that my kids really loves! There are three Ibuprofen DOLAN products namely Dolan FP Forte (200mg/5ml Suspension), Dolan FP (100mg/5ml Suspension) which are given to children 2 years old and above and then Dolan FP Oral Drops for babies from one year and under.

With Dolan our kids will experience "Ganda ng Gising, dahil Magaling".

Dolan will visit schools to create awareness to parents like us to learn more of a very important information regarding fever and pain management. Fever is always accompanied with pain, so it is just right to know more of this to have a deeper understanding so that we, as parents, specially moms, know what to do incase our kids experience it.

Tagged as "Dolan I-Learn School Caravan 2014" shall visit schools within Metro Manila and nearby provinces, the said caravan shall kick-off on August 16, 2014 at Canossa School in Sta. Rosa Laguna. 

Dolan is a product of Pediatrica under UNILAB.

For school caravan schedule updates, please check Eventastic Consultancy and Marketing Services shall handle the school caravan activity.

Tiny Garner (left), Owner/Event and Marketing Manager of Eventastic Consultancy with Ms. Genevive P. Tan, Product Manager of Dolan (right)

Yours truly, Tiny Garner of Eventastic Consultancy and Marketing Services (left), during the Pre-Production Meeting together with Dolan's Product Manager, Ms. Genevive P.Tan, (right).

Contact Number : 09159088295 or landline number 5650339
Emai us at:

Martes, Agosto 5, 2014

Corporate Giveaways are surely needed for every type of events

Branded Pens, Umbrellas, Clothing have always proved popular but EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY have consistently stayed ahead of the game, mindful of the changes in social, environmental, eco and technological requirements and now offer thousands of alternative promotional gifts within their portfolio as well as the old favourites.
Choose Eventastic Consultancys for peace of mind in the advertising promotional business.
Please visit our website at for more products to choose from. 

Lunes, Agosto 4, 2014

Ellipsis Live, DMC Philippines & Phoenix Productions present Alex Goot and Against the Current: Live in Manila

Acclaimed singer-songwriters Alex Goot and Against the Current are set to rock the Manila stage for their first Australia-Asia tour, presented by Ellipsis Live, DMC Philippines and Phoenix Productions.

Young, thoughtful and original, the talented Alex Goot is excited to be playing in Manila for the first time on August 30, 2014. With his unique way of reimagining other artists’ material, Alex rose quickly through the ranks of YouTube’s Top 200 channels. As of this month, he has captured the hearts of over 1.8 million subscribers and gained over 287 million views on YouTube.

Hailing from upstate New York, Alex performed to a sold out crowd of 5000 people in London’s Hammersmith Apollo last year. He also headlined a month-long US/Canada tour featuring various YouTube collaborators.

After releasing his second EP titled Wake Up Call, Alex is excited to share his music live with his pinoy fans come this September.

The night will also feature pop-rock band Against the Current. Frontwoman Chrissy Costanza, guitarist Daniel Gow, and drummer William Ferri have made the waves in the traditional rock touring circuit and on YouTube, gaining a sizeable following since their formation in 2012.

They have just released their album the Infinity EP and completed their first US/Canadian headliner tour this summer, and are looking forward to joining Alex in Manila for the first time.

Alex Goot and Against the Current will be performing in Manila on August 30, 2014, 8;00 pm, at Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo (CCP Main Theater).

Tickets go on sale at Ticketworld.

P4500 SVIP
P3500 VIP

Martes, Hulyo 29, 2014


As an event planner, selecting a venue is a crucial job. Now to make this easier for myself and most specially to my readers, here are some important details you may consider in organizing an event.


Make this your priority when you decide to hold an event. In most cases, based on experience, having the date but not having the venue is the most stressing part of all. Venue should always be considered before setting the date. Once you have chosen and finaliezed the venue, pencil book and eventaully confirm on it, only then you can announce the date of the event in your marketing efforts.


Define the goals you’d like to achieve through the event and be sure that all  steps you take lead to the end result.


Invitations should provide the complete details of the event. Make sure that it will be easy to understand. It is also great to have your invited guests confirme their attendance to prepare you well. 


Once you have received the confirmed guests, it is better to have it organized to make sure that you have counted them well.


Oftentimes, PARKING AREA is being left behind in planning. As you develop your checklist, make sure that this is your PRIORITY LIST. Small details sometimes give you much of a problem. Have a pre-proiduction meeting with your team to iron out details of the event before its schedule.


Always anticipate the weather. Be ready to have rain gears, most specially if your venue is an outdoor, consider having a tent.


To lessen the burden, it will be easier to have your own EMERGENCY TEAM in every event, just to make sure that in times of emergency you know you have someone who understand better what to do.


Call your guests, two to three days before the event date to remind them that they have confirmed their attendance and that you are expecting them. This will also make them feel important and that they will make an extra effort to be there in your event.


Do a sound-check on the day of the event, run everything so that during the time of the program, you will be worry-free.


Budget is crucial. Always negotiate the price. It is better to be honest than to be sorry in the end.

Here are just some key details you should not miss. For other information, you may check our website to know the services we can offer you should you consider to hire us in your upcoming event.

Click you may also call us at 09159088295 and we will be glad to answer your inquiry. 


10 Tips to make your event successful

I saw this helpful tips, this is not my own article, i saw the relevance of this from my last blog and I would like to acknowledge the author of this article Mr. ALLAN GOOCH.

Just want to share it with you all.

Successful Event Management: Top 10 tips

25 September 2013 - by Allan Gooch

1) Agree roles and responsibilities ASAP
The longer different organisations linger over who is responsible (and paying) for different elements of the overall transport strategy, the more valuable time will be lost.
2) Integrate the transport plan
Event transport operations can impact upon a wide range of other ‘functional areas’ (eg crowd management, city operations and venue management). All these individual elements must work in harmony to achieve a good outcome.
3) It won’t be perfect
With the inevitable budget and political constraints, there will come a time when you must accept “you’ve got what you’ve got” and you need to work with it.
4) Have a single source of truth
Put effort into creating a single set of transport demand forecasts that everyone then uses. Keep a log of all the assumptions and update them as event details are firmed up.
5) Involve stakeholders early
This includes the local council, police and transport operators. You can’t do it on your own. You’ll need their help in the heat of the event.
6) Share your plans
If other key stakeholders do not understand your plan, then you do not have a plan. Ensure that all those affected understand the plan to lower the risk of others doing something that does not fit with the overall objective.
7) Remain flexible
Things WILL change. Event times, locations, even the type of event will change through the planning process, requiring changes to the transport plan. As my erstwhile American colleagues would say, “suck it up” and get on with it.
8) Transferability
Take care when transferring data gathered from one event for the planning of another. Yes, some aspects will be similar, but others will be wildly affected by different geography, culture or the transport infrastructure available in different cities. The key is to understand what can and cannot be transferred safely.
9) Have consistent operational plans
Keep your operating plans and policies as consistent as possible across all your venues. This makes staff training more efficient and provides greater resilience should you need to transfer staff from one venue to another.
10) Stay close to security
Security plans often change late in the planning process to reflect changes in the threat. Transport and security plans must remain mutually compatible to avoid traffic congestion, particularly at venue entrances.
Please leave a comment.
For your event requirements, please contact EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES at and 09159088295. 

Lunes, Hulyo 28, 2014

How to Make Your Event Successful

Planning for a big event? Wondering how to make it successful? These are questions we always want to provide answers. Event is something that will make you or break you. Poor planning and preparation will lead to a disaster.

What you should and not should do in preparing an event?


1. Have enough time to PLAN


This is a very crucial part in everyt aspect of an event. Lack of planning will make your event fail. There should be enough time to be given to further study all the details necessary to mount an event.

2. Having the right PEOPLE to PLAN with


You should make sure that the prople you have are the RIGHT PEOPLE you need. Understanding their role and tasks will be meaningful to make the event successful.



This should be given enough time to review and prepare for. Without proper budgetting, the totality of the event will also be jeopardized since everything will be an expense during event proper.



Organize everything that you will be needing in order to achieve your goals and objectives for the success of your events.


1. Avoid cramming
2. Never be too BOSSY, as if you know everyhting, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND.
3.  Don't RUSH things up, give enough time, and that will lead you back to Number 1.
4. Make your TIMELINES.
5. YOU should definitely have a BUDGET.

I have benn doing events for almost 20 years, and defiitely I have gone through all these. I want to share it with you because certainly, there are NO Easy way to handle events but to be physically and mentally be prepared to handle an event.

Please do check EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY links:

Our FB, please click LIKE once you visit it

Thank you for reading this article. Please add comments or suggestions, to be able to help others in need.


For your event requirements
Kindly look for TINY GARNER

Linggo, Hulyo 27, 2014

Event Preparation

There are different types of events in which requires certain amount of effort, preparation and execution. As an event planner, it is very important to understand the client's objectives and goals in order to address your clients expectations and requirements.

Hiring an event planner will help you execute everything that need to be done to bring the event to life.

Event Planners work day and night to make sure that they meet their clients expectations and that they are alsoin accordance of the concept of the entire event.

As an Event Planner myself, the actual work already starts once a client has already provided you with all the necessary details needed for you yo plan and exectue.

The Event Planner oversee that every aspect of the event will be properly planned.To do this, every Event Planner must make sure that the budget is also in accordance with the entire requirements of the event.

Event surely is an expense,an expense where it can be measured through the feedback provided by the guests. The actual success can only be given if expected guests arrived and gave a quality feedback to give the organizer an idea of their experience.

Trully, an event is an EXPERIENCE, good or bad, this must be monitored in order to provide a true evaluation of the outcome of it.

These are some things you need to consider in hiring your Event Planner:

1. Has a strong experience and background in event management.
2. Provide details that can help the decision makers what not and what should be given priority in an event.
3. Event Planners must understnad the goals and objectives of the event.
4. Has good working attitude and PROFESSIONALISM.
5. Listen and understands' clients expectations and requirements.
6.Most importantly, HONEST and DEDICATED to its project.

For your event requirement, you should consider working with EVENT PLANNERS who listens to you and share inputs that will help you, as a client understand your event well.

EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES, can help you deliver a quality, affordable and excellent event. Having a solid event management experience, we can help you plan and execute your events.

Consider us your EVENT PLANNERS in your upcoming events, you may contact us at09159088295 or send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you and answer your inquries.

If you find this helpful, please leave a comment.

Please check our website :, LIKE us on FB at

Huwebes, Hulyo 17, 2014

This year will be an exciting event for kids as EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND PAVILION MALL bring you "MY FAVORITE CARTOON CHARACTER LOOK-ALIKE TALENT CONTEST". This is open to kids 5 to 12 years old.

For more details, please contact EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY at 049-3029129 or 09152104646.

Please helpmegenerate 1000 LIKES and VIEWS in my site, your supportwillhighly be appreciated. 

Thank you very much.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 9, 2014


Mark your calendar and experience the music of 
+Tiny Garner

In this modern technology advanced era, music sensations come into popularity in the underground scene through Youtube and many other social networking sites, making a name and following through mere talent and art. Such is the case for young artist, Alex Goot, a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from New York, who has about 1,700,000 subscribers on his channel, GootMusic. With famous covers and original songs, Goot has established a strong fan base all over the globe starting 2004. Collaborating with him is another YouTube sensation, Against The Current, a pop-rock band of five from New York, with notable covers and original singles as well. DMC Philippines aims to bring both Alex Goot and Against The Current within reach to their wide base of Filipino followers this August, and we wish to invite you to be our Partner in putting up this event.

Eventastic Consultancy and Marketing Services is one of its marketing partners for this event.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 2, 2014

Daily Wisdom

Good morning, as promised, please find our DAILY WISDOM message. I hope in my little way I can inspire others to look up and thank the most patient and understanding GOD who constantly watch us.
Let us value every word we read and listen from within what God wants us to learn.
Have a blessed day.

Martes, Hulyo 1, 2014


DATE: September 5-6, 2014
VENUE: Atrium Plaza, Resorts World Manila
This year, DMC Philippines and Steel Blue in cooperation with Puyat Sports, will be bringing this exciting event to Manila on September 5-6, 2014 with an unprecedented 8-team/city contingent. DMC promises the event to be the biggest and best production in all of the history of the AEPC as the Philippines is regarded as the Pool Capital of the World.
The competition is to encourage players to “get to the next level” by participating in an international pool challenge unique to Asia.
For more info, please contact yours truly at 09159088295 or email me at (ASIAN EXPAT POOL CHALLENGE 2013 CLOSING CEREMONY)

Daily Wisdom

After sometime that I am sharing some of my thoughts here in LinkedIN, I would like to commit myself to share something more relevant for every readers to reflect on. I will make it my DAILY commitment to provide you with messages that can trully help us go through our lives. We may all have different situations everyday, but let this be my contribution to each and one of you to hear the most powerful ADVICE that NO ONE can ever regret. I encourage you to give yourself time to listen to these WORDS.
To complete our day, let me serve you daily with a BREAKFAST FULL OF WISDOM!
If we can spend the whole day, reading articles from any of the social media sites, what is a minute for us to pounder and enjoy GOD's WORDS. If we are happy to receive a text, email, skype and other messages, we should be MORE EXCITED to read what is GOD's message to us DAILY.
I wholeheartedly dedicate this COMMITMENT to all of US. Let us STOP, REFLECT AND THANK God evey second, every minute, to keep us and our families SAFE in His care.
Please SHARE it also with your FAMILY, FRIENDS, ENEMIES, OFFICEMATES, BOSS, CLIENTS, whoever YOU want to share it with. What you will do is already an ACT of LOVE.
Thank you and let us receive GOD's Grace Daily.

Lunes, Hunyo 30, 2014



DMC Philippines has partnered with EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES to be its official MARKETING ARM in all its major events!
What a great start! Please watch out for all the upcoming events for 2014 and 2015!
Kudos to DMC Philippines and thank you for trusting EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES (

Martes, Hunyo 24, 2014

Work-From-Home Moms

Technology has truly evolved. Making everything possible by the click of a finger. I have never imagined that one of this days, I will be one of the many who will be exploring on the possible ways to earn via the net. As a mom, I have long been dreaming this, that I will be at home, enjoying my time doing the things that I love. I must say, it is a difficult adjustments at first, but I know, the time comes that I will get to master these things and get to figure out how to really earm legitimately through the use of technology.

I must admit that it is a long journey to take, I am not complaining, after all everything must start somewhere, I started working at the early age, when I was just 19 years old, and never did I thought that I will be working my b_ _ t (pardon my word) until the age of almost 40 years old. As they say "LIFE BEGINS AT 40", and I would like to start from there. I want to be able to share my knowledge from the years of my experience.

I started a small business of mine, but that does'nt stop me from exploring other things that can keep me going. As a mom, I have to juggle my time, preparing kids for school, household chores and so on and so fort. I am just thinking will I still find time to learn all the things I nedd too, my answer, "I MUST." And I was perhaps LUCKY today, because I saw this advertisement today and I am very much interested to join so I may learn new ideas, tips and ways on how to become successful as entrepreneur while working from home.

I believe that this event can really help me in understanding my needs and my craving for learning. I would like to join all the stay at home or professional moms to join and be part of this event and let us all work together to create a healthy and wealthy work-from-home environment.

This event will be hosted by :

Simply click the LINK to register and we look forward to your participation :

a href=""> <img src="" width="160" height="33" border="0" alt="View Tiny Garner Florentino's profile on LinkedIn"> </a>

Huwebes, Hunyo 19, 2014


We have been hearing this phrase time and again. What do you think about it?

I once headed a CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM and trully I must say it was a mind buggling thing, why? because it is really hard to predict what customers really want sometimes. Do you see a problem in my statement, well, this is just my opening remarks, please read thru my article so you may clearly understand what I meant about it.

I faced different customers day-in and out during that time. I said that customers are really hard to predict, because there are times they just don't know what they trully want. I am saying this in general, but my observation was, customers demand too much because they think they are always right. Well, this time, I will say that it was I who went wrong, and I have a reason why I said this.

I reviewed every customer situation we have encountered, as the Team Leader of the group, it was my responsibility to understand what the customers were saying, its not what they were complaining about. The customers were just merely sharing with us what their expectations was and we hardly understood that and took it as a COMPLAINT, well, yes maybe that was how it sounded. But then again, I told myself, there will be no FIRE if there was NO SMOKE at all.

I did some strategic moves with my team and we all evaluated the type of customers we have all encountered every month. The reason I thought of doing this was to make sure that we provide management something that they can also assess in order to understand our customers more, in that sense we were the VOICE of the customers.

I did not took it NEGATIVELY, but in fact I took it a challenge. I challenged myself not to get frustrated, not be depressed and most of all NOT TO BE AFFECTED by the situation, rather I took things into my hands and thought of it thru and thru.

When I started to listen to my team and with their observations regarding our customers, it was then that I realized it was US who lacked the ability to understand them, so I did a lot of research particularly that pertained to CUSTOMERS BEHAVIOUR.

Customers want to be treated SPECIAL, yes, I believe they deserve that.
Customers want to be heard, thats TRUE as well.
Customers want SOLUTION to a Problem, again this is TRUE
Customers wants to be SATISFIED, accepted.

Now, the question is, how do we handle these? As we deal with CUSTOMERS, we must understand that being CUSTOMER ORIENTED is a KEY in uderstanding them. If you are working in an environment where you deal with CUSTOMERS on a daily basis, then YOU must be COMPETENT enough to handle them. When I realized that me and my team were not COMPETENT enough, we developed our skills and competency in handling our customers, making sure we deeply understand what they want and how we can resolve it.

Once you have the right skills and competencies, and equip yourself well, you can now evaluate and process what your customers are trying to tell you.

Here are some of my personal tips I would love to share with you.

1. When you expalin COMPANY POLICIES to your customers, make them understand the reason why it was written in the first place. Don't argue with them because you will not reach into a peaceful solution. be creative and as much as possible if there will be deviations from the policies, YOU must inform your SUPERIOR immediately and do not decide for yourslef alone.

2. Listen properly and be attentive to details. This is one reason why customers tend to be mad due to the fact that employees do not LISTEN to them clearly, to avoid this from happening, while attending to a CUSTOMER, clear your thoughts, have a pen to write down information and repeat what the CUSTOMER has mentioned in a polite manner to make sure that you gor it right. DON'T PRETEND YOU UNDERSTOOD what they said.

3. Give a solution. A solution that will be a WIN-WIN situation both for your customer and your company.

4. If POLICIES are not helping to resolve issues, discuss this with your SUPERIOR and find ways on how it can be improved. Remeber, POLICIES were carefully done to protect the companies business, so better make sure that this will be properly discussed to avoid damages.

5. Never frown in front of your customer and NEVER make excuses.

These are just some tips, to help you competently, you may also read books that will guide you and help you improve your CUSTOMER SKILLS.

Remember, YOU yourself is a CUSTOMER, you also want to be treated well, so YOU should also understand your customer better.

Here is a video link to have a better understanding on aving good customer service skills.

Let me wrap up my article, now I can answer the question IS CUSTOMER ALWAYS RIGHT? For me, its not that they are ALWAYS RIGHT, but its their RIGHT to be given CARE AND GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Thank you and I hope you have enjoyed reading my article and learned from it.

For any questions, you may email me at

Tiny Garner has a solid 20 year work experience having handled key positions and with vast experience in EVENT MANAGEMENT, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SALES AND MARKETING MANAGEMENT. She has recently started her own business called EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES to assist companies with their event and marketing needs. To get in touch with Tiny Garner, you may contact her at 09159088295 or you may click the links below.