Lunes, Hunyo 30, 2014



DMC Philippines has partnered with EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES to be its official MARKETING ARM in all its major events!
What a great start! Please watch out for all the upcoming events for 2014 and 2015!
Kudos to DMC Philippines and thank you for trusting EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES (

Martes, Hunyo 24, 2014

Work-From-Home Moms

Technology has truly evolved. Making everything possible by the click of a finger. I have never imagined that one of this days, I will be one of the many who will be exploring on the possible ways to earn via the net. As a mom, I have long been dreaming this, that I will be at home, enjoying my time doing the things that I love. I must say, it is a difficult adjustments at first, but I know, the time comes that I will get to master these things and get to figure out how to really earm legitimately through the use of technology.

I must admit that it is a long journey to take, I am not complaining, after all everything must start somewhere, I started working at the early age, when I was just 19 years old, and never did I thought that I will be working my b_ _ t (pardon my word) until the age of almost 40 years old. As they say "LIFE BEGINS AT 40", and I would like to start from there. I want to be able to share my knowledge from the years of my experience.

I started a small business of mine, but that does'nt stop me from exploring other things that can keep me going. As a mom, I have to juggle my time, preparing kids for school, household chores and so on and so fort. I am just thinking will I still find time to learn all the things I nedd too, my answer, "I MUST." And I was perhaps LUCKY today, because I saw this advertisement today and I am very much interested to join so I may learn new ideas, tips and ways on how to become successful as entrepreneur while working from home.

I believe that this event can really help me in understanding my needs and my craving for learning. I would like to join all the stay at home or professional moms to join and be part of this event and let us all work together to create a healthy and wealthy work-from-home environment.

This event will be hosted by :

Simply click the LINK to register and we look forward to your participation :

a href=""> <img src="" width="160" height="33" border="0" alt="View Tiny Garner Florentino's profile on LinkedIn"> </a>

Huwebes, Hunyo 19, 2014


We have been hearing this phrase time and again. What do you think about it?

I once headed a CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM and trully I must say it was a mind buggling thing, why? because it is really hard to predict what customers really want sometimes. Do you see a problem in my statement, well, this is just my opening remarks, please read thru my article so you may clearly understand what I meant about it.

I faced different customers day-in and out during that time. I said that customers are really hard to predict, because there are times they just don't know what they trully want. I am saying this in general, but my observation was, customers demand too much because they think they are always right. Well, this time, I will say that it was I who went wrong, and I have a reason why I said this.

I reviewed every customer situation we have encountered, as the Team Leader of the group, it was my responsibility to understand what the customers were saying, its not what they were complaining about. The customers were just merely sharing with us what their expectations was and we hardly understood that and took it as a COMPLAINT, well, yes maybe that was how it sounded. But then again, I told myself, there will be no FIRE if there was NO SMOKE at all.

I did some strategic moves with my team and we all evaluated the type of customers we have all encountered every month. The reason I thought of doing this was to make sure that we provide management something that they can also assess in order to understand our customers more, in that sense we were the VOICE of the customers.

I did not took it NEGATIVELY, but in fact I took it a challenge. I challenged myself not to get frustrated, not be depressed and most of all NOT TO BE AFFECTED by the situation, rather I took things into my hands and thought of it thru and thru.

When I started to listen to my team and with their observations regarding our customers, it was then that I realized it was US who lacked the ability to understand them, so I did a lot of research particularly that pertained to CUSTOMERS BEHAVIOUR.

Customers want to be treated SPECIAL, yes, I believe they deserve that.
Customers want to be heard, thats TRUE as well.
Customers want SOLUTION to a Problem, again this is TRUE
Customers wants to be SATISFIED, accepted.

Now, the question is, how do we handle these? As we deal with CUSTOMERS, we must understand that being CUSTOMER ORIENTED is a KEY in uderstanding them. If you are working in an environment where you deal with CUSTOMERS on a daily basis, then YOU must be COMPETENT enough to handle them. When I realized that me and my team were not COMPETENT enough, we developed our skills and competency in handling our customers, making sure we deeply understand what they want and how we can resolve it.

Once you have the right skills and competencies, and equip yourself well, you can now evaluate and process what your customers are trying to tell you.

Here are some of my personal tips I would love to share with you.

1. When you expalin COMPANY POLICIES to your customers, make them understand the reason why it was written in the first place. Don't argue with them because you will not reach into a peaceful solution. be creative and as much as possible if there will be deviations from the policies, YOU must inform your SUPERIOR immediately and do not decide for yourslef alone.

2. Listen properly and be attentive to details. This is one reason why customers tend to be mad due to the fact that employees do not LISTEN to them clearly, to avoid this from happening, while attending to a CUSTOMER, clear your thoughts, have a pen to write down information and repeat what the CUSTOMER has mentioned in a polite manner to make sure that you gor it right. DON'T PRETEND YOU UNDERSTOOD what they said.

3. Give a solution. A solution that will be a WIN-WIN situation both for your customer and your company.

4. If POLICIES are not helping to resolve issues, discuss this with your SUPERIOR and find ways on how it can be improved. Remeber, POLICIES were carefully done to protect the companies business, so better make sure that this will be properly discussed to avoid damages.

5. Never frown in front of your customer and NEVER make excuses.

These are just some tips, to help you competently, you may also read books that will guide you and help you improve your CUSTOMER SKILLS.

Remember, YOU yourself is a CUSTOMER, you also want to be treated well, so YOU should also understand your customer better.

Here is a video link to have a better understanding on aving good customer service skills.

Let me wrap up my article, now I can answer the question IS CUSTOMER ALWAYS RIGHT? For me, its not that they are ALWAYS RIGHT, but its their RIGHT to be given CARE AND GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Thank you and I hope you have enjoyed reading my article and learned from it.

For any questions, you may email me at

Tiny Garner has a solid 20 year work experience having handled key positions and with vast experience in EVENT MANAGEMENT, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SALES AND MARKETING MANAGEMENT. She has recently started her own business called EVENTASTIC CONSULTANCY AND MARKETING SERVICES to assist companies with their event and marketing needs. To get in touch with Tiny Garner, you may contact her at 09159088295 or you may click the links below.

Martes, Hunyo 17, 2014


I am having fun with most of the apps that are much available for FREE over the net. I am not a tech-savvy, but I enjoy exploring new things and it helped me in such a way to increase my skill set in terms of social media marketing.

I have created my own website, as easy as 1-2-3, which I thought before I will be spending so much in order for me to have my own web page to promote my business. I do not discredit those who work as web developers or so, what I am just trying to share is that a person like me can still do something without much of an experience.

I used WIX.COM ( to create my business web page, though I am still using the FREE MODE, you can also opt to pay to increase more functionalities of your web, but since I am just beginning to explore about it. It is trully fun and exciting, at first I was really skeptical, because i thought I need to be too knowledgeable to use it, but it came to me as a surprise that WIX. COM is so user-friendly. I am a WORK-FROM-HOME Mom (but that's not me in the picture :), and I trully enjoy this career-change in me. As I have shared from my previous blog, I have worked my life for almost 20 years, and now I am running my own business from home and I am very optimistic that with my PERONAL 5P MARKETING this will work (PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, PASSION, PLANS and PRAYERS).

Now let me share this with you, at start, my web page does not have the WOW factor since I was just trying to figure out how to use all the boxes from it, then little by little as I was exploring it, I am starting to get the feel of it and voila I am beginning to update my site anytime I wish too.

Having a website adds credibility to your business and that is why I really looked for an app that can help me develop it for FREE. There are still other free web app if you just search swiftly, but for now, I would love you to try WIX.COM, just create your own profile and there youc an start developing your own site.

1st STEP

Create your account

2nd STEP

The rest of the information will come from you, you should develop the content for your website so that when you create your own page, it will be easier for your since you have everything you need to add up in each page.

3rd STEP

Read the instructions clearly and follow it, you will not get LOST. Everything you need is there, its like creating a puzzle :)

That's how simple it is, now if you need a more interactive site and you fell like you need someone to do the job for you, then you may contact a good web develope to help you with it, i am just sharing this information to entrepreneurs like me who does not have much of a CAPITAL to spend but has the ability to create something, after all, you also credit it to yourself that you built your own site because of your passion for your business.

I know this is the first step for my business to succeed, i will go a loooooonnnnnng eventful journey before i reach SUCCESS, but everything should start somewhere and there is NO ONE WAY TICKET for SUCCESS, you have to work hard for it.

For mom's out there who would want to ask for help, on how they can probably do it, don't hesitate to contact me, I will be very glad to help you having your own site, or having your own blog site, or anything that you think will be needed to market your business, we should help each other and not compete from one another.

You may contact me in thru:

Just leave a message and kindly LIKE my fb page and please follow my GOOGLE + and TWITTER accounts, as your help to me as well :), which I will highly appreciate :). I shall get back to you and will be glad to help you, don't worry its for FREE. I just want to help you get through, I'm sure a lot of you would want everybody to know about your business, so let's start working and SPREAD THE WORD.

Nothing is impossible if you are passionate enough in what you do. The SUCCESS of your business relies on how patient you are and how you really love what you do.

Just explore, learn and earn :)

Till next time. 

Lunes, Hunyo 16, 2014

Liar, Liar

How do we deal with liars?

It is astonishing to know that people can trully lie. Its true that when you hear the truth it hurts, but with what I have experienced so far, I believe that to know the person you actually deal with lied to you is devastating to grasp.

People who lie are cowards. As the saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy", i believe in this, because it will cause more damage if you lie rather than tell the truth.

Just to share this experience with you, and to somehow give you a tip on how you can suspect that the person you are dealing with is lying to you. I must say that I am giving that person the benefit of the doubt, yeah, probably in the first or second occassion, yes maybe that applies, but for the third, fourth, fiftth and so on, this should be a RED warning to most of us. Theses people does not know just when to STOP LYING and JUST CONFRONT THE TRUTH, sad to say, I feel sorry for this person, really.

This person that I met, at first she looked to NAIVE, again as the saying goes, "Looks can be deceiving", i'd say YES to that. Never that I imagined that this person will be a problem for me in the near futue. The first meeting was a good one, then we had several email threads regarding the deal we will be working on. As we reached the part where I have to deliver what was expected of me, I felt something in me, as if someone was telling me "Don't push through with that", I must admit, I ignored that, I said, maybe I'm just imagining things.

Now i realized, that it was my INSTINCT telling me NOT TO DEAL WITH HER! It all started when things were not happening as this person committed it to be, so to SPEAK. After demanding too much from me, which I gave in, because she was my client after all. You might ask me was there a CONTRACT for the services I rendered, oh YES there was, but this person was TOO GOOD, that she actually lured me to beliving her that everything was A-OK, but then again NOT.

So, time flew so fast, counting back it is now exactly three months from the time I did that was asked of me and todate, I have not received any form of payment as this person promised it to be. WHERE IS YOUR WORD OF HONOR or must I say WORD OF HORROR? It is trully a nightmare to experience something like this, so let me just give you these TIPS, so you may NOT EXPERIENCE the same thing I had. I do blame my stupididty or my naivity, I've been HAD :(, i must say. Here are some RED SIGNS you must observe to avoid LIAR PEOPLE, you may clcik the link to know more about it

If the person keeps running around the bush, as WIKIPEDIA defined it as : TO AVOID ANSWERING A QUESTION, TO STALL, TO WASTE TIME.

This certainly was my experience! I texted to follow up NO ANSWER, I emailed NO ANSWER, my PATIENCE was trully tested by this person, and I am so thankful to God that atleast it wasnt I who did something wrong, and I pray that this person will realized her mistakes.

I HAVE FORGIVEN HER. It may sound crazy, but YES, i did. I feel sorry for her.

Now, I know better, next time i deal with a person like this, i shall follow my INSTINCT!

As Prophet Daniel once said, "He only spake the truth", i hope people will learn to just tell the TRUTH, it is better to know what is or what went on, rather than LIE at all!

In business, there is such what we call BUSINESS ETHICS, you are your COMPANY so don't RUIN it and STOP LYING!

Rainy Season is fast approaching, its TIME to get READY!

Rainy season is something i really prepare for.

After experiencing typhoons that caused flood in our place and else where, I am just preparing myself for anything that might occur, specially that the weather is so UNPREDICTABLE!

I leave in Laguna and our main dilemma in this place is the fast rising of flood waters, since we are located in a low lying place and very near to Laguna Lake. Having experienced flood inside our house is really a nightmare, the adrenalin rush to keep your things, the safety of your family and so many things rushing into your head once caught up in that situation, and from that I wouldn't want to experience it once again.

My husband and I planned to purchase a new house, but that solution is not too easy to do for now, maybe in the future. So, what must i do in order for me not to PANIC once again when typhoon comes and flood will be all over our place again.

For one, all of us must be prepared by making sure we have enough supplies to use for atleast a month, such as, candles, sardines, can opener, batteries, alcohol, quick-pack things and most specially children's medicines. As a mom we have to put this in our bucket list, just to make sure that we have it in times that we need it. I just want to give you a little information, I met the Brand Manager of a children flu medicine and she explained to me the difference of IBUPROFEN vs PARACETAMOL, this is kinda interesting since we all know that fever and flu are the common illnesses in this type of weather. There's no harm in understanding so i just want to share this with you too. She said that, and I quote, "Ibuprofen gives a fast relieve in fever while Paracetamol takes eight hours for fever to subside. Based on that, I would say I agree, my kids has been using PARACETAMOL since they were infants, and that was my observation as well. And for me, once my kid is feverish, my goal is to bring the fever down, ofcourse we as moms, know when the fever does not really subside at all despite the medication we give, we then have to bring our children or child in the hopsital, just to make sure everything is well, and to seek proper medication for your child too. Here's a link that you can click to read more inforamtion about it.

Well, that was just one information we need to be equipped off specially this season, now to further enhance our knowledge in preparing our selves for typhoons, floods and everything, we can always listen for weather updates, so that we can be knowledgeable of the situation, also it would help if we can keep with us SAFETY BAGS AND EQUIPMENT that we can use in times like this, let me share this link for you:

To complete the list, here is my personal tip to keep you and your FAMILYsafe at ALL TIMES, take this from me, it really WORKS!

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Here are Bible verses to share with YOU regarding Prayers:

Now that I have shared this with you, let us always keep our FAMILY READY, make a FAMILY DRILL so our kids would know what to do.