Lunes, Hunyo 16, 2014

Liar, Liar

How do we deal with liars?

It is astonishing to know that people can trully lie. Its true that when you hear the truth it hurts, but with what I have experienced so far, I believe that to know the person you actually deal with lied to you is devastating to grasp.

People who lie are cowards. As the saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy", i believe in this, because it will cause more damage if you lie rather than tell the truth.

Just to share this experience with you, and to somehow give you a tip on how you can suspect that the person you are dealing with is lying to you. I must say that I am giving that person the benefit of the doubt, yeah, probably in the first or second occassion, yes maybe that applies, but for the third, fourth, fiftth and so on, this should be a RED warning to most of us. Theses people does not know just when to STOP LYING and JUST CONFRONT THE TRUTH, sad to say, I feel sorry for this person, really.

This person that I met, at first she looked to NAIVE, again as the saying goes, "Looks can be deceiving", i'd say YES to that. Never that I imagined that this person will be a problem for me in the near futue. The first meeting was a good one, then we had several email threads regarding the deal we will be working on. As we reached the part where I have to deliver what was expected of me, I felt something in me, as if someone was telling me "Don't push through with that", I must admit, I ignored that, I said, maybe I'm just imagining things.

Now i realized, that it was my INSTINCT telling me NOT TO DEAL WITH HER! It all started when things were not happening as this person committed it to be, so to SPEAK. After demanding too much from me, which I gave in, because she was my client after all. You might ask me was there a CONTRACT for the services I rendered, oh YES there was, but this person was TOO GOOD, that she actually lured me to beliving her that everything was A-OK, but then again NOT.

So, time flew so fast, counting back it is now exactly three months from the time I did that was asked of me and todate, I have not received any form of payment as this person promised it to be. WHERE IS YOUR WORD OF HONOR or must I say WORD OF HORROR? It is trully a nightmare to experience something like this, so let me just give you these TIPS, so you may NOT EXPERIENCE the same thing I had. I do blame my stupididty or my naivity, I've been HAD :(, i must say. Here are some RED SIGNS you must observe to avoid LIAR PEOPLE, you may clcik the link to know more about it

If the person keeps running around the bush, as WIKIPEDIA defined it as : TO AVOID ANSWERING A QUESTION, TO STALL, TO WASTE TIME.

This certainly was my experience! I texted to follow up NO ANSWER, I emailed NO ANSWER, my PATIENCE was trully tested by this person, and I am so thankful to God that atleast it wasnt I who did something wrong, and I pray that this person will realized her mistakes.

I HAVE FORGIVEN HER. It may sound crazy, but YES, i did. I feel sorry for her.

Now, I know better, next time i deal with a person like this, i shall follow my INSTINCT!

As Prophet Daniel once said, "He only spake the truth", i hope people will learn to just tell the TRUTH, it is better to know what is or what went on, rather than LIE at all!

In business, there is such what we call BUSINESS ETHICS, you are your COMPANY so don't RUIN it and STOP LYING!

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