Lunes, Hunyo 16, 2014

Rainy Season is fast approaching, its TIME to get READY!

Rainy season is something i really prepare for.

After experiencing typhoons that caused flood in our place and else where, I am just preparing myself for anything that might occur, specially that the weather is so UNPREDICTABLE!

I leave in Laguna and our main dilemma in this place is the fast rising of flood waters, since we are located in a low lying place and very near to Laguna Lake. Having experienced flood inside our house is really a nightmare, the adrenalin rush to keep your things, the safety of your family and so many things rushing into your head once caught up in that situation, and from that I wouldn't want to experience it once again.

My husband and I planned to purchase a new house, but that solution is not too easy to do for now, maybe in the future. So, what must i do in order for me not to PANIC once again when typhoon comes and flood will be all over our place again.

For one, all of us must be prepared by making sure we have enough supplies to use for atleast a month, such as, candles, sardines, can opener, batteries, alcohol, quick-pack things and most specially children's medicines. As a mom we have to put this in our bucket list, just to make sure that we have it in times that we need it. I just want to give you a little information, I met the Brand Manager of a children flu medicine and she explained to me the difference of IBUPROFEN vs PARACETAMOL, this is kinda interesting since we all know that fever and flu are the common illnesses in this type of weather. There's no harm in understanding so i just want to share this with you too. She said that, and I quote, "Ibuprofen gives a fast relieve in fever while Paracetamol takes eight hours for fever to subside. Based on that, I would say I agree, my kids has been using PARACETAMOL since they were infants, and that was my observation as well. And for me, once my kid is feverish, my goal is to bring the fever down, ofcourse we as moms, know when the fever does not really subside at all despite the medication we give, we then have to bring our children or child in the hopsital, just to make sure everything is well, and to seek proper medication for your child too. Here's a link that you can click to read more inforamtion about it.

Well, that was just one information we need to be equipped off specially this season, now to further enhance our knowledge in preparing our selves for typhoons, floods and everything, we can always listen for weather updates, so that we can be knowledgeable of the situation, also it would help if we can keep with us SAFETY BAGS AND EQUIPMENT that we can use in times like this, let me share this link for you:

To complete the list, here is my personal tip to keep you and your FAMILYsafe at ALL TIMES, take this from me, it really WORKS!

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Here are Bible verses to share with YOU regarding Prayers:

Now that I have shared this with you, let us always keep our FAMILY READY, make a FAMILY DRILL so our kids would know what to do.


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